Event [900 Days Celebration Community Event] Mir's Mail of Fortune Special Award Winner
- MIR4
- 24.02.23
- 6,185
From my battle to our war, MMORPG MIR4.
Greetings, This is MIR4.
We launched the Community Event ‘Mir’s Mail of Fortune’ to celebrate MIR4 Global’s 900 days of service!
Thanks to many Dragonians’ interest and participation, the event ended in a complete success! We are truly thankful for Dragonians all around the world!
With this notice, we plan to satiate the curiosity of many Dragonians by announcing the winner of the Special award - the winner of ‘Mir’s Mail of Fortune’!
Please refer to the information below for further details about the event rewards and the Special award winners.
■ Special Award Winner
- caítlynn
- TuathaxDé
- KizuneXQ
"Congratulations on becoming the winner and recipient of Mir’s Mail of Fortune!"
■ Special Award Winner Submissions
- [Link]
■ Rewards
1. Goal Submission reached (1500 submissions or more)
: Epic Yellow Dragon's Gift Box x2
: Skill Tome Summon Ticket x20
: Legendary Spirit Stone Summon Ticket x20
: Epic Hunting Potion x5
※ The rewards above will be distributed to all Dragonians because the Goal submission count was achieved!
2. Special Award (3 characters)
: Legendary Blue Dragon Statue x1
: Epic Divine Dragon's Enhancement Stone x1
: Legendary Mystic Enhancement Stone x1
: Legendary Darkened Enhancement Stone x1
: Epic Dragonsteel Box x1
■ Precautions
- Rewards can only be claimed once per Account
- Rewards must be claimed within March 23rd, 18:30 (UTC+8).
- The award for reaching the Goal Submission will be distributed to all users.
- The Special award is only distributed to the 3 people as announced.
Thank you.