Notice Typos Report
- MIR4
- 21.09.24
- 29,995
Greetings, This is MIR4.
MIR4 is gradually improving after the reports that many of the Dragonians submitted at the Typos report center.
Please report the typos that you see now and later and we have sent just a small gift for the reports that were applied in game.
Make sure to check the mailbox if you have reported.
Item contained in the mail can only be acquired by '1 character per an account'.
Reward will be deleted if you don't receive it during the valid period and it can't be redeemed.
We look forward to your participation.
[Reporting Method]
System > Click Typos Report Center > Register Report details on the home page.
※ Typos Report Center does not make any additional replies.
※ Details of the report will be checked and applied at once.
※ Small gift will be sent to your mailbox if the details of your report gets applied.
※ Check your mailbox after the maintenance since additional announcement of the gift won't be made.
We will do our best to provide better gaming environment on MIR4 with our Dragonians.
Thank you.