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Challenge: Legendary Magic Stone & Spirit Treasure Summon

From my battle to our war, MMORPG MIR4.

Greetings, This is MIR4.

To support Draonians’ endless growth, we have prepared the event: ‘Challenge: Legendary Magic Stone & Spirit Treasure Summon’.

Summons will commence in exchange for Copper instead of Darksteel! So test your luck and take up the challenge to summon a Legendary Magic Stone / Legendary Spirit Treasure!

Please refer to the information below for further details.

■ Event Period

- From March 11th, 00:00 ~ Until March 13th 23:59 (UTC+8)

■ Event Details

- Use Copper to take a chance at summoning Legendary Magic Stone / Legendary Spirit Treasure during the event period.

- Get a guaranteed Legendary Magic Stone / Legendary Spirit Treasure when accumulating 300 Event Incense Burner Points during the event period!

■ Procedure

1. You can participate in the event by tapping the firecracker-shaped icon found in the top left corner in-game.

2. In the Event Menu, Select ‘Legendary Magic Stone/Spirit Treasure Challenge Event’ to take a chance at the summon!

- 1 free summon is granted daily, for a total of 3 free summons during the event period.

- The Daily Free Summon does not accumulate the Event Incense Burner count, or the Daily Summon Limit. 

- The Daily Free Summon count resets at 00:00 (UTC+8).

- The maximum limit for Event Summons per day is 110 Summons (10+1 Summons x10) and the total limit for the entire event period is 330 Summons (10+1 Summons x30).

■ Event Summon Cost

1 Summon
10+1 Summons
Magic Stone
Spirit Treasure

■ Precautions

- The Event Incense Burner Points, which are accessible on the event page, will accumulate by 1 each time a summon results in an item that is not a Legendary Graded item. 

- Once Event Incense Burner Points reach 300, you are guaranteed a Legendary Graded item.

- Once Event Incense Burner Points reach 300, touch (click) the Event Incense Burner to obtain a Legendary Grade item in exchange for the Event Incense Burner Points.

- Combine failures that occur in ‘Craft’ > ‘Combine’ do not accumulate the Incense Burner Points. 

- Event Incense Burner Points will not accumulate when a Legendary Grade item has been summoned.

- Accumulated Event Incense Burner Points will be removed after the event period.

Thank you.