Tower of Black Dragon
Mysterious tower in Domination server including powerful monsters, plenty of rewards, and various events that are waiting for Dragonians.
Preparation ① Touch [Menu > Portal > Tower of Black Dragon] tab after participating in Domination Server Available hours - The tower will be accessible in Domination server only and can be re-entered within the duration (4 hours) - Participation will be up to 300 at maximum. ※ All players will be automatically expelled from the Tower of Black Dragon after the round of the Domination Server ends. Floors in detail At least level 95 ~ Max level 120 Level 105 ~ 130 At least 105 ~ Max level 130 Level 115 ~ 140 At least 115 ~ Max level 140 Level 125 ~ 150 At least above level 135 ~ Level 135 ~ 180 ※ 1 'Tower of Black Dragon Entry Ticket' will be consumed upon access. ※ Each floor will be opened after meeting all required levels and power scores.
Interface Floors in detail ① Tower of Black Dragon consists of many floors, and each floor will be opened after meeting all required levels and power scores. ② You can view an explanation about the certain floor, required level/power score, and monster level. ③ Many items including Upgrade materials and Sealed boxes can be purchased using Ancient Coin in 'Spacetime Shop'. ④ You can view obtainable item lists on a certain floor. ⑤ You will move to the starting point of the floor after choosing and clicking the 'Enter' button of the floor to enter which would consume the Tower of Black Dragon Entry ticket. ※ No Free Access count exists, and tickets will be required per access.
Tower of Black Dragon Entry Ticket Tower of Black Dragon Entry Ticket - 'Tower of Black Dragon Entry Ticket' will be consumed upon access. - After entering the Tower of Black Dragon, you can freely access/quit the tower with no further consumption of the Entry ticket. ※ The content will be reset at 04:00 every day. How to obtain the Entry Ticket ① Ticket will be obtainable from crafting and rewards of Domination Area Missions. - [Black Dragon Scute] will be obtainable from repeatable missions. - [Old Sword Fragment] will be obtainable from Sealing Chamber in Magic Square. ※ You can craft the ticket from <Scute Collector> Uhm Jinho in [Domination] Sabuk Castle.
Tower of Black Dragon - Beginning Tower of Black Dragon Lobby ① Upon entering the tower, you will be moved to the lobby (Starting Point) on each floor, the safe area where PK is disabled. ※ You will be resurrected from the 'Safe' zone upon death in the Tower of Black Dragon, however, if the Life reaches zero by PK, you will be resurrected from '[Domination] Sabuk Castle' and cannot move out from the Castle. ② There will be no crafting merchant located in the lobby, but potions will be purchasable from Potion Merchant.
Tower of Black Dragon Event Event Details - You can enjoy a surprise event that may occur after meeting a specific requirement other than the events that proceed in a specific timeline in Tower of Black Dragon. - Find out various events that may occur after meeting a specific requirement and get plenty of rewards with joy. 1. Defeat Field Boss [Juja Neoul] - An event that requires you to defeat Field Bosses 'Juja Neoul' that are in charge of protecting treasure boxes appearing for a certain period. - Please be aware that there will be various traps regarding the treasure box; enjoy those to find out the hidden treasure. - Timeline set for Field Boss and Treasure Box: 11:00, 17:00, 23:00 ※ Both mentioned above will appear together. 2. Attack of the Living Wraiths in Tower of Black Dragon - An event to defeat powerful monsters appearing in four fixed areas and in certain timelines. - Defeat the mighties and get plenty of benefits and rewards. - Starting Time: 10:00, 12:00, 16:00, 18:00, 22:00, 00:00 3. Earn Summon Badge by finding 'Yongyong' - A Boss-summonable badge can be randomly obtained by defeating Yongyong which will randomly appear in the whole area. ※ Badges can be obtained with a certain chance while the types of obtained badges may differ. 4. Summoning Boss with the Summon Badge - You can summon Boss from Summoning Stone using the Summon Badge obtained from the Yongyong event. - There will be 3 Summoning Stones to summon Boss, while each Summoning Stone has its own designated Summon Badge to be used. Rewards boxes can be obtained by defeating the bosses summoned from the Summoning Stones. ※ There will be 3 Summoning Stones on each floor, and bosses appearing from the Stone will differ. 5. Defeat Unique Boss - Boss monster will randomly appear after defeating Unique monsters placed in each area. - 1 boss monster will randomly appear among hunting fields. ※ The boss monster will be differentiated based on Unique monster you have defeated in a specific area. 6. Find the Hidden Warp Point - Upon defeating monsters in any area of Tower of Black Dragon, a portal that is unviewable on the map will be randomly created with a certain chance after meeting a specific requirement. - The rewards will be differentiated - as same as the condition of Boss Monster Summon Event - with the following area you have moved. ※ There will be four stages in the Warp event and it will be closed after defeating all monsters that appear in the Warp. ※ Upon defeating monsters in the hidden space moved through the Warp, Named or Boss monsters can appear with a certain chance. 7. Find Splendid gathering node - Upon collecting nodes placed in Tower of Black Dragon area, 'splendid gathering node' will appear when meeting specific requirements. - You can obtain unique material items from the 'Splendid gathering node'. ※ If fulfilling a specific requirement while gathering in areas mentioned above, 'Splendid gathering node' will appear.
Document update date : 2024-11-26
Floors Level required Power Score required Monster Level 1st Floor above 124,200 2nd Floor above 134,200 3rd Floor above 143,100 4th Floor above 159,700