Dragonworld’s Rift
Dragonworld’s Rift is an event content that conducts at Labyrinth, fighting against numerous unique and Boss class invaders to obtain many rewards.
Preparation Preparation - Area: Any labyrinth 1F ~ 4F Time Period - This event will be activated when specific requirements are met. (No specific Timeline set) Participants - All Dragonians
How it goes Progression - Hunting field monsters at any labyrinth 1F ~ 4F. - Event will start with certain chance by fulfilling certain requirements. - When getting started, monsters from Dragonworld’s Rift will be spawned in a specific labyrinth area. - Unique monsters will continuously be spawned for a certain period, while Boss Monster and Field Boss Monster will be spawned with a chance by defeating the Unique ones. Note - Up to 200 Unique Monsters will be spawned during the event. - While the event is in progress, Unique monsters will be spawned for 20 minutes, and they will no longer be spawned after the mentioned time set. ※ Summoned monsters will not disappear before being defeated. - The event can get started with a certain chance after meeting a specific requirement. - Boss and Field Boss will have a random chance to appear in the event. - You can check the whole progressions from the icon located at the top right, and notifications can be viewed by touching the icon. 'A Dragonworld's Rift has been formed. Guard against the Dragons who are invading.' - You can check the event area on Mini Map.
Monsters in detail Dragonworld’s Rift Monsters - The difficulty of monsters will be differentiated by the labyrinth area they spawned. ※ Rewards obtainable from defeating monsters and that of the higher grade will be differentiated per labyrinth. ※ Monster Level will be equal to the highest level monster generated on each floor of the labyrinth.
Document update date : 2022-07-12